
Autograph Journal and Recipe Book

Ground plan of Her Majesty's Dockyard in Plymouth

Manuscript entitled: "Catalogue of the Apparatus of Philosophical Instruments, in the Collection of Her Late Majesty Queen Charlotte, at the Observatory at Richmond in Surrey"

Credo notebook of Joseph Clement

Sketchbook, inscribed 'G Cayley 1796'

The Coal Viewer and Engine Builder's Practical Companion by John Curr

Volume entitled: "Chemistry Lecture Notes"

Coloured drawing of Elevations of the (Locomotive) Rocket

Volume entitled: "Some Account, of the Work's done by Captain John Perry"

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Letter from Henry Maudslay to Mr Matthew Murray, Engineer

Drawing of engine house, section of boiler seating and stokehole

Ship plan entitled: Disposition of the Frame for the 36 Gun Ship building by Mr Barnard, River Thames

Drawing of engine house, cross section

'The aerial candidates...', an aeronautical play

North Redemore Account Book

Design for the steam engine for metal mills, longitudinal section of foundry

Collection of newspaper cuttings relating to coal trade and coastal shipping in north-east England

Notebooks of notes from lectures in Paris 1802-1803

Drawing of treenail and coak making lathe

Copy sketch of Mr Heppenstall's spinning frame for rope yarn

Drawing of forge hammer from Birmingham by Robert Roberts

Drawing of forcing pump proposed to be fixed in the salt water well in His Majesty's Dockyard at Portsmouth

Volume of extracts on the mines of Minas Geraes

Ground plan of building of Kings Mills at Portsmouth

Mohawk and Hudson Locomotive drawing


Map: Plan of the Collieries on the Rivers Tyne and Wear also Blyth, Bedlington and Hartley; with the Country 11 Miles round Newcastle

An edition of 'The Photogram' journal vol. 2 no. 17

Section of building over Coal Yard, Metal Mills, Portsmouth


Letter from John Dalton to Peter Crosthwaite


Mr. Wilson's Design for a Cast Iron Bridge over the Thames, instead of the Present London Bridge

192 photographic prints

Foulsham and Banfield Ltd Collection


Letter from Florence Nightingale to Mrs Clarke


Manuscript drawing book entitled: "Utensils in Canal Work"

Ship plan entitled: Profile Draught for the 36 Gun Ship building by Mr Barnard

Drawing of Locomotive Engine for the Stockton and Darlington Railway

Railway Signal Volume 3 (1885)


Description of a perpetual motion machine

12 items

Folder of photos entitled '12 Wembley Snapshots'

Elevation and plan of a crane capable of lifting from five to six tons

Ship plan entitled: A Draught for Building by Contract by Mr Barnard in the River Thames a Ship to carry 36 Carriage Guns

Pamphlet entitled ‘A Further Report, on the Intended Rail or Tram Road, from Stockton, by Darlington, to the collieries, with a branch to Yarum [sic]’

Copy of agreement between Mr Raisbeck and John Reed, Starch Manufacturer to let parts of Sugar House

Statement of accounts between Messrs Trevithick and Co and Samuel Homfray

Drawing depicting a portable steam engine

Copy plan of machinery for rolling copper and pumping water

Notice entitled ‘To the gentlemen, clergy, merchants and other inhabitants of Stockton and the neighbourhood.’

Drawing of Tender for the Magnet Loco Engine, No. 108 Two end sections showing wheels, axle boxes and brake arrangement, [presumably for new tender-patent drawing]

Plan 27. This was superseded by Drawing 93. Linear arrangement.

2 items

Manuscript maps of the earth projected on a regular dodecahedron and on a regular tetrahedron